10 tips for a successful exchange

5 min readFeb 5, 2021

After lots of research and reading I’ve made a little list of the top 10 most important tips for a successful exchange student:

1. Focus on your host family

They are the ones that offer you a home, don’t stay locked up in your room and avoid any contact with them. They opened up their home to you so the least you can do is live up to their expectations. They want the best for you and will support and advice you. Try to imagine yourself in their shoes, imagine how they feel about certain things. Adapt to the rhythm of your family. Don’t miss the connection by staying in bed too long. Your host parents are your parents for the next year so don’t freeze them out. Also get connected to their relatives and social environment.

2. Cut contacts with home

You cannot leave one foot in your home country if you want to get the max out of your year abroad. Turn off any contact with family and friends, they will still be there after 11 months. Ask your parents to give you a bit of freedom, they sent you on this exchange for a reason: so that you could have the experience of a lifetime. Your host parents can’t go into a learning process with you with an extra set of parents in the background. Reduce Facebook and other contacts with home to a minimum. A full focus on your new world is essential and will cost enough of your…

